Neptune's Pollywogs

Neptune's Pollywogs (BFA Thesis)

School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Links Hall | 2007 

A Queer Rock Musical written and directed in collaboration with Leone Anne Reeves. Utilizing devices from musical theater, we investigated notions of gender performativity and criticized our own critique of heteronormativity. Drawing from a vast pool of sources, we designed our set/costumes/movements/text from Judith Butler's Gender Trouble, Cryptozoology, Guy Debord'sSociety of the Spectacle, Abercrombie and Fitch, and love stories from our very own sordid pasts. Spectators experienced a broken narrative, a Werewolf Vagina, a Mr./Mrs. Potato Head Anus, a cast of sea creatures and cowboys, hardcore dancing, and a glittered set that could barely stand on its own.